Word of South 2022

Word of [South] is a literature and music festival, celebrating the relationship between the two disciplines. This is a free event except for the Friday show, which is ticketed. Over eighty (80) acts are scheduled throughout the three days. The list of artists can be found on the Word of [South] website.

The festival will be held at Cascades Park over the weekend of April 09 and 10, 2022. Park rules apply (i.e., dogs are not allowed in the amphitheater but allowed in the park). Food and Drinks are available for purchase.

Tickets for Jamey Johnson, who is performing on Friday, April 08, 2022, are $20 to $45, plus tax. The Saturday and Sunday events are free.


Pre-Festival Events:

The Man in the Mangroves will show at The Planetarium located at the Challenger Learning Center at Kleman Plaza on April 06, 2022, at 6:30 PM.